Divide Wins CINE Golden Eagle Award


Divide is honored to receive a CINE Golden Eagle Award in the 2012 documentary short category. Check out all the winners here.

Divide Wins Best Short Doc Award at Workers Unite Film Fest!


Thanks to the Workers Unite Film fest who honored Divide with their best short doc award. A great new fest in one of America’s great cities – what a wonderful way to spend May Day!

Divide to screen at Cleveland Film Festival


  Yep, that’s right. Divide will be making it’s rust belt premiere next week at the largest film festival in Ohio, the Cleveland International Film Festival. Check it out if you are in the area…or if you feel like making a road trip to watch the Tribe and see Mickey Hart’s custom-painted drum kit. Screening: […]

Mitt Romney’s ‘Appalachian Problem’?

Oh boy, here we go again. Another election year and another candidate who can’t seem to ‘connect’ with the country’s most elusive voting block. From the desk of CNN in the wake of Super Tuesday: Romney has an Appalachia problem: Romney, a Harvard-educated millionaire, had his first test among Appalachian voters this election cycle and […]

Pitts: Gingrich follows GOP playbook on racism


Another great article by columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. that calls out Gingrich’s coded language in South Carolina: There has been a lot of talk about whether Gingrich’s recent language, including his performance at last week’s South Carolina debate and his earlier declaration that Barack Obama has been America’s best “food stamp president,” amounts to a […]

The South Ain’t Just Whistlin’ Dixie


This article from New York Times reporter Karen L. Cox outlines southern and Appalchain stereotypes that are enjoying a renewed prevalence in many new TV shows. Such shows promise new insight into Southern culture, but what they really represent is a typecast South: a mythically rural, white, poorly educated and thickly accented region that has […]

With Friends Like Tom Coburn…


In a recent attempt to defend the president’s “goofy and wrong” philosophy, GOP Senator Tom Coburn points a vague finger at government programs that benefit African-Americans: “He’s a very bright man. But think about his life. And think about what he was exposed to and what he saw in America. He’s only relating what his […]

Daily Show on U.S. class apartheid

After Warren Buffett’s New York Times Op-ed called for a tax on the mega-rich, the news cycle kicked into overdrive, with one cable news channel noticeably distressed with the article. Fox News declared it class warfare and one broadcaster asked if Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, and of the richest men on the planet, […]

(Not) Spreading the Wealth


A recent Washington Post Article details how executive pay is pushing the ever widening income gap to new limits.

Trump the Race-Baiter


With a potential Presidential run in the works, Donald Trump has decided to take the low road of divisive, racial politics. Check out the full story as detailed in The New Yorker.